How To Make A House Safe For Kids - Jiji : Moore Vibe Blog

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

How To Make A House Safe For Kids - Jiji

If you’ve got the list of questions with no answers, get ready to add one more: what to expect when you’re expecting? Though it is too individual to find a universal answer, don’t get upset: there are a lot of helpful tips on Jiji Blog will gladly become your assistant and advisor. And right now it suggests starting with babyproofing.
Step 1. Define zones of the biggest risks. Every year, millions of kids aged under five are delivered to the hospital after incidents. The leading causes of fatal accidents are drowning, suffocation, fire, and falls. Deal with possible dangers beforehand.
Step 2. Attention! The simplest things and the first piece of advice of every parent go like “Be careful!”. Don’t leave any stuff on the stairs. Remove damaged carpets. Use non-slip pads. Attach cushioned corners to everything with sharp edges. Don’t leave sharp objects within easy reach.
Step 3. Install locks. Put them whenever it is possible - with a fridge, stove, cabinets, bookcases, wardrobes, toilet, doors, any place where your child can find something interesting enough to forget about any safety. You are the one, who aren’t allowed to forget about it for several further years.
Step 4. Mount it all. It is crucial to make sure that big objects, like TV-set, are sturdy enough. Mount TV to a wall or find another decision to fix it so it will not fall.
Step 5. Always stay alarmed. For a while, you need to react fast and learn to recognize a possible danger. It is not paranoia, but something pretty close to it. Anyway, check the water in a bath before you put a baby inside. Don’t leave it without supervision even for a second. Don’t carry hot food or fine things when you are holding a baby. Always put a kid in a babysit during rides. Never leave a child alone on a sofa or high chair. Choose toys attentively and according to age.

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