Health Tips: 5 Effortless Ways To Avoid Bloating : Moore Vibe Blog

Monday 28 March 2016

Health Tips: 5 Effortless Ways To Avoid Bloating

Bloating is an unfortunate health situation we cannot avoid, it just happens. It also comes at the most inconvenient times. Thus, to avoid embarrassment, here’s five effortless ways to get rid of bloating.
Lemon water
Lemon water to start the day

Wake up on the right side:

A glass of warm water with lemon in the morning ignites your digestive system and helps start the day on the right note. Go the extra mile by sprinkling some cinnamon or cayenne pepper for extra anti-inflammatory power.
Water is always a sure bet

Stick to water:
No matter what you do, stick to water throughout the day. Water inhibits usual causes of bloating like constipation and dehydration and doesn’t have any stomach-expanding ingredients like sweeteners and carbonation that are available in other drinks like soda.
Milk doesn't help
Milk Doesn't help

No diary:
Lactose sensitivity is very important, no matter how mild. Many people see negative side effects after having milk, cheese or yogurt. You don’t need to cut them out entirely but don’t do dairy before major events, since you never really know how your body is going to react.
Avoid salt
Avoid salt

Steer clear of salt:
You may have heard this before and it’s true.  Salt makes the body retain water, instead stick to pepper when you want to feel slimmer.
Chew slower
Chew slower

Chew a little slower:
The truth is that when you eat too fast, you take in more air, which can make you bloat. Chew slower and more cautiously and try to skip the after-lunch gum in the process.
Try out these simple steps and let us know how they work for you.

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